Astrophotography by Stuart Heggie

Welcome and thanks for visiting. I hope that you'll enjoy seeing my pictures as much as I enjoyed capturing them.
Please click on any of the thumbnails below to take you to the gallery pages for that category.
To see my other photography (daytime; experimental etc) please go here:

CCD and Film-based Astro-Photography
with Various Scopes / Lenses and Cameras:

AP155 / Moravian G4 Images 12.5" Planewave CDK / Apogee U16M DSLR Wide Field Photography Video Astronomy - PGR Chameleon
AP155EDF w Moravian G4 or Apogee U16M
12.5" Planewave CDK w
Apogee U16M CCD
Wide Field / DSLR Photography including Aurora Photography
Camera: Point Grey Research Chameleon
CCD Photos w STL11000 and AP155 Trius SX814 & AP155 AP155 Images GSO RC w STL11000
AP155 w STL11000 AP155 w Trius SX814
AP155EDF w ST10XME 8" GSO R-C: 3 images
North Am. Nebula U16M FSQ FSQ Images FSQ / STL11000 Images Film Photography
Takahashi FSQ w
Apogee U16M
Takahashi FSQ w ST10XME Takahashi FSQ w STL11000 Film-based Astrophotography

You can reach me for comments at the following address:  stuart.j.heggie AT

Current sky conditions at my observatory: HERE

This page last updated June 5th 2019

These works are licensed under a Creative Commons Licence